CASE 1: Studying a Social Problem
In the last ten years there has been an unexpected increase in undocumented migration, especially unaccompanied children, to the US from Central American countries. The Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) wanted to study this trend, its main causes and potential solutions.
We conducted a probabilistic study in a Central American country, using a sample of 1,226 private households at a national level (44 counties in 16 states). We used face-to-face data collection with an adult population. Consultancy also included 32 in-depth interviews and 5 focus groups with migrants and relatives.
The IADB used our analysis to contribute to the development of the Plan of the Alliance for Prosperity in the Northern Triangle: Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, which is a major effort by the US State Department regarding migration policy from Central America.
CASE 2: Conducting Data Collection outside the US
The Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP) from Vanderbilt University is the most important multi-country effort to measure public opinion for the US government.
These probabilistic surveys are well known for being highly rigorous and scientific. Data collection is conducted face-to-face using national samples in private households. Each questionnaire lasts 1 hour in duration and includes around 500 questions.
Vanderbilt University has hired us in recent years to conduct this complex data collection in Central America because of our experience and reputation of integrity.
CASE 3: Measuring Public Opinion on Key Issues
The National Democratic Institute (NDI) wanted to measure public perception of several key issues in the Honduran presidential elections. The NDI required a politically independent survey research firm with vast local experience.
We worked with the NDI to design a custom project according to its needs. We executed a probabilistic survey in a sample of 1,219 private households, conducting face-to-face interviews in 44 countries around the country, including several hard-to-reach rural areas. Data processing in SPSS and analysis / recommendations were also included in our consulting.
CASE 4: Obtaining Information about Current and Potential Customers
Santos Industries, a construction company, was experiencing a decline in sales and wanted to measure customer satisfaction to identify and correct its main problems.
We designed a customer satisfaction survey to be conducted every two months, which included a metric for each process (initial service, quality of materials, availability of products, variety, technical assistance, delivery and post-sale service). The survey also included open-ended questions about dissatisfaction factors and areas that needed improvement. Results were given for each type of product they sell. Data collection was conducted by phone from a list of recent customers.